ㆍ Closing from 175˚ in both door swing directions with hydraulic control from 170˚.
ㆍ There thermodynamic valves for consistent performance.
ㆍ Adjustable closing speed(175˚~15˚) and latching speed(15˚ ~ 0˚) from top regulating valves.
ㆍ Adjustable hold-open or delay action angle 80˚ ~ 175˚.
ㆍ Cast iron body.
ㆍ Universal cover plate in stainless steel.
ㆍ Standard built-in Back check function.
ㆍ Cement box in hot zinc plated.
ㆍ Extended spindle.
The advantages at a glance
ㆍProject planners
Extensive range of uses: Fire and smoke protection door as well as standard door.
Variable hold open beteen 80˚ ~ 175˚ or delay action.
Independent closing and latching valve for easy control.
Variety of available spindles: square italian, square French, rectanguar German.
Architectural finishes : coverplate in polished stainless steel, satin stainless steel, polished brass
Universal for left/right handed and double action doors.
Overpreassure relief valve to protect unit against abuse.
Large range of adjustment within cement box to solve possible alignment problems on the site without taking down the door. Meet door weight up to 300kgs.
Reduced inventory costs due to modular product range.
One single product suitable for a large variety of mounting positions.
Complementary accessories available for the whole product range. Extensive interchangeble
Adjustable operating force to meet door construction requirements and user needs.
Easier door opening and improved accessibility due to Cam-Motion technoloty.
Backcheck feature offers optimum protection for doors and walls.
Independent closing and latching valve for easy control Variable hold open range.
ㆍTechnical attributes